Symmetric Cryptography
Symmetric key cryptography
Bob and Alice share the same(symmetric) key.
Q: How do they agree on key value?
A: They can use other ways to transport the key, like hand to each other by hand or use a public key to encrypt the symmetric key and send it through internet.
- Stream cipher: Encrypt on bit at a time.
- Block cipher: Break plaintext into equal-size blocks and encrpt one block as a unit.
Protocol Security
Network Overview
Network protocol
A network protocol defines the rules and conventions for communication between network devices.
Protocols can be broadly classified as connectionless and connection oriented.
Connection-less network protocols
Sends data out as soon as there is enough data to be transmitted.
E.g., user datagram protocol (UDP).
Connection-oriented network protocols
Provides a reliable connection stream between two nodes.
Consists of set up, transmission, and tear down phases.
Creates virtual circuit-switched network.
E.g., transmission control protocol (TCP).
Network Layers
OSI Model
TCP/IP Model