Atlanta Movie Station



In this project we analyze, specify, design, implement, document and demonstrate an online movie system. We use the classical methodology for database development. The system is implemented using a relational DBMS that supports standard SQL queries. We use your localhost MySQL Server to implement our database and the application. We use Java to implement our backend and JDBC to connect our backend to our MySQL database, we also use Swing to set up screens(desktop user interfaces). Here is a DEMO VIDEO of our theater/movie management system.



A login page that all users use to log into the app. Upon successful login, the user should be taken to the appropriate functionality screen. Upon invalid login, the app should notify the user, and the user should be allowed to retry. img

Register Screens

This allows the user to navigate to the registration screen of their choosing. img

Functionality Screens

Different types of uses have different access to the system. img

Admin Manage User

Admin can approve “pending” or “declined” the selected users and decline “pending” the selected users. img

Admin Manage Company

Admin can create theaters or view company details of the selected company. img

Admin Create Movie

Admin can create movies and set their release date. img

Manager Theater Overview

Manager can see and search the overview of the theater they manage. img

Manager Schedule Movie

Manager can schedule movies and set their play date. img

Customer Explore Movie

Customer can explore movies. img

Customer View History

Customer are able to see all the movies they have viewed. img

User Explore Theater

User can explore theaters. img

User Visit History

Users can see their visit histories based on the filtered information. img